Thursday, April 18, 2019

Choice art project [could'nt find original paper or draft]

My project was a doodle drawing with little colorful characters coming out from the bottom. In the background there a black hole like spots on the paper and lightly shaded and blended colors. Improvements I've had is the shading and the individual faces I put on all of the little characters. I used emphasis on the little doodles. I used movements in the way of the doodles to be thought to be moving up from the bottom of the paper.
Master artist (the inspiration)
The name of this artist I vexx he is an artist youtuber whom I enjoy watching everyday he uploads videos he has mostly doodle art so that's is how he was an inspiration to me.This is one of his drawings.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Visual Narrative Project-Kolesa-Yancarlos Perez

Image result for benderPicture of reference   picture of art-Final Phase           

  This piece is a robot reaching into a mirror. On the other side of the mirror is a galaxy type landscape. The mirror is hung on a brick wall. The robot has some shading on it but its mostly gray. The story behind this was that the robot got curious and stuck his hand in the mirror and that's about it.Some personal strengths that i had was the blending because i have never done that before and the robot. I cant do robots very well that's the best i could do. I had growth in the coloring and shading though. I could've had more growth in the robot.

Friday, February 22, 2019

The figure drawing

What i did in my project was draw a skeleton with flowers and it holding its own head. I used white charcoal for the light areas and darker pencil for the darker areas. The symbols on the skull represents a Mexican candy skull. I chose to use this for my cultural aspect of my art piece. Areas of growth i had were forms and shading. Some low points of the drawing were the lack of detail on the flowers and skull designs. The thing i used to create the skull was an album cover. I used the skeleton idea and added to it like the cultural aspect. The judgement i have for this pice is as follows. I liked the premise of the idea i created. But i could of had some improvement on what i created. For example the flowers could have been more detailed and the skeleton more detailed in the symbols. I could have also been more creative in what i decided to do with the skeleton instead of just shading. But overall i think i did a good job.